I've sent out the first beta build to all the musicians involved, as well as about 20 other people somehow involved or interested in the project. The game's coming along, and there's a definite difference between 0.65 and now. The game will remain in beta until I'm sure I've gotten nearly everything, so it might be a week or a month.
But it's definitely coming.
EDIT: ALSO, for all of the testers, I'm maintaining a bugs page: http://first-fantasy.webs.com/apps/blo g/show/4365958-first-fantasy-v1-beta-b ugs-list
I'll update it regularly. If you find anything, first check it against this list to see if I know about it or not.
EDIT 2: Second build released. If you're one of the people concerned, contact me for details.
EDIT 3: Third build- and probably the final one- released! Once again, contact me for details.
EDIT 4: I lied. Fourth build released.
I played through a bit. Not bad for a beta. The only major issue I found was regarding the music overlapping itself, which you had already mentioned. I'm actually pretty surprised at the grammar and spelling too, haha. No mistakes that I know of. Good job.
Thanks. I already fixed most of that stuff. And for an RPG, good grammar and spelling is essential- otherwise, it'd just be crap. I actually have an editor too, but unfortunately she didn't get to do much since I was always changing the scenes XD